For the latest features, please use the most recent version of our API.
Log in for API key access
  • Accessing the API requires an API key, available to authenticated users here.
  • Non-key access is also available through website sessions.
  • OAuth allows for the use of user-specific filters and manages API request limits among multiple users.
  • The API supports multiple formats, including: json, jsonp, yaml, xml and plist.
  • Select your preferred format in the URL, like /api/v1/json/..., or via a GET query parameter, such as ?format=json.
Atom and RSS
  • Atom and RSS formats are specifically supported at the /api/v1/contest/ endpoint.
  • Specify your format as Atom (?format=atom) or RSS (?format=rss).
  • Default settings include ?upcoming=true&format_time=true&start_time__during=1 day.
  • Customize your timezone and timeformat via GET query or in your user preferences.
  • Standard request limit is 10 per minute.
  • Should you require a higher limit, please let us know to accommodate your needs.