8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship

  20.02 Tue 23:59
Team Registration

To be eligible to compete, all teams must register by February 20 (inclusive) (following the steps listed below).

Registration guidelines

1. Each individual on the team is to register on the clist.by website. Upon registration he must submit personal information form to take part in the 8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship.

2. Team captain must create a team by entering its name.

3. Other team members are required to join the team by selecting its name in the corresponding field.

4. Within an hour the team captain may accept or reject a participant's request for his addition to the team. After this time, the request for a members' addition to the team must be sent again.

5. After a team is formed (requests from all the members are accepted) the captain registers the team for taking part in the competition.

6. Moreover, the captain can fill in the information about the coach or skip this stage if the team does not have one.

7. The team is registered!

The participants are kindly requested to provide reliable information. After checking the data a confirmation of a successful registration will be sent to e-mail within a few days.

If you have any questions, please contact support: acm.bsuir.by@gmail.com.

Personal information

In international format
If your educational institution is not listed, then enter its full name in Russian or English
Optional. Other handles can be added here.

[ITMO] #3: Kostlivtsev semifinal
ITMO University, Russia
Coach: Andrey Stankevich
[LYC+SCH] Ejdaxas: Namazov, Saddatimov, Mukhtarov semifinal
Средняя школа №27 города Баку + Fizika-riyaziyyat və informatika təmayüllü lisey + Лицей им. академика Зарифы Алиевой, Azerbaijan
Coach: Rashad Mammadov
[LYC+SCH] UnderConstruction: Filipovich, Matskevich, Bakevich junior final
УО "Минский государственный областной лицей" + ГУО "Средняя школа №12 г. Новополоцка", Belarus
[LyceumBSU] Бирюзовый ураган: Kuchin, Kurash, Kogan junior final
Lyceum of Belarusian State University, Belarus
Coach: Anzhelika Lapo
[CYF] Мозырь, КЮП #4: Kozlov, Akulenko, Konoplich junior final
Club of Young Firefighters, Belarus
Coach: Aleksey Borunov
[LyceumBRU] WeAreHereForPizza: Stanovoy, Grishaev junior final
Лицей Белорусско-Российского университета, Belarus
[GYMN+SCH] Boevie_Vareniki: Sendevich, Satskevich, Volkovskiy junior final
ГУО "Гродненская городская гимназия" + ГУО "Гожская средняя школа", Belarus
Coach: Dmitry Berzhinsky
[GYMN] Boevie_Pelmeshki: Yakubik, Pyrko, Shcherbatiy junior final
ГУО "Гродненская городская гимназия", Belarus
Coach: Dmitry Yakubik
[CYF] Мозырь, КЮП #2: 2.5: Makeenko, Mischenko, Revt junior final
Club of Young Firefighters, Belarus
Coach: Aleksey Borunov
[LYC] KPNL_Bull_Dozer: Nyzhnyk, Potyomkin, Filkin junior final
Естественно-научный лицей №145 г. Киева, Ukraine
Coach: Iryna Skliar
[GYMN] Touristiki: Shavel, Lukashevich, Meleh junior final
ГУО "Гимназия №6 г. Минска" + ГУО "Гимназия №41 г. Минска им. Серебряного В.Х." + ГУО "Гимназия №29 г. Минска", Belarus
[GYMN+SCH] Гомель-2: Sauhin, Kostianoy, Yermakou junior final
ГУО "Средняя школа №45 г. Гомеля" + ГУО "Средняя школа №21 г. Гомеля + ГУО "Гимназия №51 г. Гомеля", Belarus
Coach: Mihail Dolinsky
[GYMN+SCH] prosty_LIK: Siachko, Nenartovich, Svistun junior final
ГУО "УПК Заболотские ясли-сад-средняя школа" + ГУО "Ивьевская средняя школа" + ГУО "Гимназия №1 г. Лида", Belarus
Coach: Aliaksei Vistiazh
[CYF] Мозырь, КЮП #1: КБУ: Pivovarov, Piskun, Krivosheev junior final
Club of Young Firefighters, Belarus
Coach: Aleksey Borunov
[GYMN+LYC] Могилёвские орлы: Dengalev, Kernozhitsky, Bondarau junior final
ГУО "Гимназия №2 г. Могилёва" + УО "Могилёвский государственный областной лицей №1", Belarus
Coach: Elena Kachanova
[GYMN] Vitebsk03: Novitskiy, Borisov, Drozdova junior final
ГУО "Гимназия №8 г. Витебска" + ГУО "Гимназия №1 г. Витебска", Belarus
Coach: Veronika Laktina
[GYMN] jesushelp: Kulazhenko, Demidovich, Shirma junior final
ГУО "Гимназия №1 г. Бреста", Belarus
Coach: Irina Horbacevich
[GYMN+LYC] What are you crazy about: Sidorevich, Garkavy, Lopatin junior final
ГУО "Гимназия г. Ганцевичи" + ГУО "Лицей №1 г. Барановичи" + ГУО "Гимназия №1 г. Барановичи", Belarus
Coach: Kirill Gulin
[LyceumBSU] Такого на респе не будет: Gribanov, Kleschev, Baliuk junior final
Lyceum of Belarusian State University, Belarus
Coach: Angelika Lapo
[GYMN+SCH] TriP: Boben, Zlobin, Belko junior final
ГУО "Гимназия №3 г. Борисова" + ГУО "Средняя школа №4 г. Дзержинска" + ГУО "Средняя школа №14 г. Молодечно", Belarus

Fargat farhit Sharipov from MIPT in Ehrenfeucht gaming with 1 event(s)
[MIPT] Ehrenfeucht gaming: Makarov, Sharipov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Egor Face Shpalov from BSUIR in Trap with 1 event(s)
[BSUIR] Trap: Shpalov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Arseny Greggy Matyushevsky from None in Школьники with 1 event(s)
[GYMN+none] Школьники: Isachenko, Matyushevsky new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
AMIRZHAN djony1997 ORAL from None in Морские котики with 1 event(s)
[none] Морские котики: ORAL new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Mikhail bixind Makarov from MIPT in Ehrenfeucht gaming with 1 event(s)
[MIPT] Ehrenfeucht gaming: Makarov, Sharipov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Nikita YLSadBoy Krylov from BSUIR in Betonomeshalka with 1 event(s)
[BSUIR] Betonomeshalka: Shchutski, Krylov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Arthur kingarthur Stsepanenka from GSTU in GSTU-1 with 1 event(s)
[GSTU] GSTU-1: Stsepanenka new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Aleksander olekluka Lukasiewicz from None in Olek with 1 event(s)
[none] Olek: Lukasiewicz new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Nafisa Nafisa.T Tojiboyeva from NUU in space with 1 event(s)
[NUU+none] space: Aripova, Tojiboyeva new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Nikita NihilSherrKhaine Shchutski from BSUIR in Betonomeshalka with 1 event(s)
[BSUIR] Betonomeshalka: Shchutski, Krylov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Hojjat hojjat-12 Hajizadeh Nokhandan from None in Noob Forever with 1 event(s)
[none] Noob Forever: Hajizadeh Nokhandan new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Vladislav Rasas Korenik from BSUIR in Моя команда with 1 event(s)
[BSUIR] Моя команда: Korenik new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Viktor VI_10010 Ilvovskyi from Taras Shevchenko NU in CyberPi with 1 event(s)
[Taras Shevchenko NU] CyberPi: Makhanko, Ilvovskyi, Polishchuk new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Egor Egorio Polishchuk from Taras Shevchenko NU in CyberPi with 1 event(s)
[Taras Shevchenko NU] CyberPi: Makhanko, Ilvovskyi, Polishchuk new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Shur vampir_master Pavel from GSTU in GSTU with 1 event(s)
[GSTU] GSTU: Pavel new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Temurbek temurbek_khujaev Khujaev from LYC in Neutrino-1 with 1 event(s)
[LYC] Neutrino-1: Khujaev new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Temirlan oma Omarov from KBTU in orman with 2 event(s)
[KBTU] Old But Gold: Adilkhan, Okas, Omarov semifinal
X BSUIR Open Programming Championship
[KBTU] orman: Kali, Omarov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Aisultan chrome Kali from KBTU in orman with 1 event(s)
[KBTU] orman: Kali, Omarov new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Aleksey Alexey_Shagoiko Shagoiko from GYMN in gymn50 with 3 event(s)
[LyceumBSU] Щаво!: Shagoiko, Bagritsevich, Karlinsky junior semifinal
X BSUIR Open Programming Championship
[GYMN] EOF: Zabavskiy, Akhramenko, Shagoiko semifinal
9th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
[GYMN+none] gymn50: Miron, Shagoiko new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship
Fedor fedya_miron Miron from None in gymn50 with 1 event(s)
[GYMN+none] gymn50: Miron, Shagoiko new
8th BSUIR Open Programming Championship