Sept. 18, 2023
Minimum and maximum
Week 2 Conditi…onals Part 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP C, Week 2: Conditi…onals Part 1
PP C, Week 2: Contest 1
PP Java, Week 12
Week 9: January 11 - 17. Pointers…. References
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Week 2: November 16 – 22. Conditional state…ment. Part 1
Lesson 2. Conditional s…tatement - 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Programming Principles 1. Week 2. September 9 …- 15. PART 1
October 23 - BMTK Programming School, …Small League
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Lesson 2. September 10 - 16. Condition…al statement
Conditional Statement
16.02. Младшая лига
Виток 7, Шаг 2 - Разложение …на множители
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 0. Step 1.
Super-Blitz 2
Oct. 31, 2022
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP C, Week 3: For …loop Part 1
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 3: Contest 1
PP Java, Week 12
PP Java, Week 1
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Week 3: November 23 – 29. For …Loop. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Programming Principles 1. Week 3. September 16 …- 22. PART 1
Recursive functions
Quick Start C: Loops, Array…s, Functions
ADA Club - November 4
Lesson 8. October 22 - 28. Recursive functions. Two dimenti…onal arrays.
October 7 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
Lesson 3. September 17 - 23. Loops: f…or statement
Recursive functions
Five for week 11 …(2013-2014)
Oct. 31, 2022
Recursion - 1
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
DSA Week 1
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Recursive functions
ADA Club - November 4
Lesson 8. October 22 - 28. Recursive functions. Two dimenti…onal arrays.
Oct. 31, 2022
Fibonacci Sequence
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
DSA Week 1
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
ADA University - January 7 …- Linear DP
Recursive functions
ADA Club - November 4
Lesson 8. October 22 - 28. Recursive functions. Two dimenti…onal arrays.
Recursive functions
Autumn 2012 Training ACM…-contest # 1
Oct. 31, 2022
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP C, Week 4: While …loop Part 1
DSA Week 1
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Week 4: November 30 – December 6. While …Loop. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Programming Principles 1. Week 4. September 23 …- 29. PART 1
Recursive functions
Lesson 8. October 22 - 28. Recursive functions. Two dimenti…onal arrays.
October 7 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
Lesson 4. September 24 - 30. Loops: whi…le statement
Recursive functions
10,11,12 февраля. Младшая лига - Циклы + двуме…рные массивы
Виток 1, Шаг 5 - Вложенные циклы …+ повторение
Виток 1, Шаг 5 - Вложенные циклы …+ повторение
Training ACM Contest
Training ACM Contest
Oct. 31, 2022
The sum of digits
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP C, Week 4: While …loop Part 1
DSA Week 1
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Week 4: November 30 – December 6. While …Loop. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Programming Principles 1. Week 4. September 23 …- 29. PART 1
Recursive functions
ADA Club - November 4
Lesson 8. October 22 - 28. Recursive functions. Two dimenti…onal arrays.
October 7 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
Lesson 4. September 24 - 30. Loops: whi…le statement
Recursive functions
10,11,12 февраля. Младшая лига - Циклы + двуме…рные массивы
Blitz for Beginners
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Sort & Search
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Сортировка и жадность
ADA Training - October 10
STL: quick start
Sorting + Comparators
1 Stage Azerbaijan Republic School Olympiad in …Informatics
February 1. Sorting
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Сортировка…. Вступление
4.02. Младшая лига
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Элементарна…я сортировка
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 1. Step 3.
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 1. Step 2.
Super-Blitz 4
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Сортировка и жадность
ADA Training - October 10
STL: quick start
Sorting + Comparators
November 25 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
1 Stage Azerbaijan Republic School Olympiad in …Informatics
February 1. Sorting
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Сортировка…. Вступление
4.02. Младшая лига
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Элементарна…я сортировка
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 0. Step 4.
Super-Blitz 2013 - March
Oct. 31, 2022
Quick Sort
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Sort & Search
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Сортировка и жадность
ADA Training - October 10
STL: quick start
Sorting + Comparators
November 25 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
1 Stage Azerbaijan Republic School Olympiad in …Informatics
February 1. Sorting
Sumgait: City Informatics Olympiad a…mong schools
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Сортировка…. Вступление
4.02. Младшая лига
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Элементарна…я сортировка
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 2. Step 8.
Oct. 31, 2022
Sort the letters
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
ADA Training - October 10
Sorting + Comparators
November 25 - BMTK Programming School, …High League
1 Stage Azerbaijan Republic School Olympiad in …Informatics
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Sort & Search
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
ADA Training - October 10
Sorting + Comparators
Робота з рядками
1 Stage Azerbaijan Republic School Olympiad in …Informatics
February 1. Sorting
Contest = All Topics Included + Diff…erent Levels
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Сортировка…. Вступление
4.02. Младшая лига
Виток 3, Шаг 6 - Элементарна…я сортировка
9 Round Spiral. Round …0. Step 11.
9 Round Spiral. Roun…d 0. Step 8.
Summer School 2011 in Sevas…topol, Day 5
Oct. 31, 2022
Simple function
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Quick Start C: Loops, Array…s, Functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Oct. 31, 2022
Function tabulation
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Loops - 3
January 10. First Leagu…e. Loops - 2
Loops introduction - C…ompetition 2
4,5 февраля. Младшая лига - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
Виток 1, Шаг 4 - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
8.01. Младшая лига
Виток 1, Шаг 4 - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
Training for schoolchildre…n 28/02/2013
Oct. 31, 2022
Use the function
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 5
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
22,23 февраля. Младшая лига - Математика, элементарны…е вычисления
Виток 1, Шаг 9 - Функции
Виток 1, Шаг 9 - Функции, математиче…ские функции
Algorithms in the examples and problems…. Session 1.
ДПА 2010 в.16-30
Oct. 31, 2022
Median number
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Conditional Statement
ADA Midterm - 2 Attempt
Algorithms in the examples and problems…. Session 1.
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
2019 ACM SEERC, 1/8 Finals, April 13 …- REVISITED
2019-2020 ACM-ICPC, SEERC, 1/8 фiналу, 13 квiт…ня 2019 року
Oct. 31, 2022
Square root
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Math functions
Blitz for Beginners
Blitz-tournament number 1 for beginners and …not only ...
Oct. 31, 2022
Function - 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 5
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Quick Start C: Loops, Array…s, Functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Math functions
Oct. 31, 2022
Function - 2
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Quick Start C: Loops, Array…s, Functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Math functions
Oct. 31, 2022
Function - 3
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 5
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Quick Start C: Loops, Array…s, Functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Introduction Contest
Math functions
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 2
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Math functions
Preparation for Azerbaijan Repub…lic Olympiad
Big New Year Contest - 2
9 Round Spiral. Round …6. Step 11.
Oct. 31, 2022
Massive Numbers
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
January 6 - BMTK Programming School, High League - …Mathematics
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Math Contest
Math functions
26 февраля. Младшая лига …- Логарифмы
Виток 2, Шаг 3 - Математические функци…и, логарифмы
Виток 2, Шаг 2 - Математические функци…и, логарифмы
Algorithms. "MATH.H C…ontest"
Oct. 31, 2022
Perimeter and area of triangle
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 3
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
January 8 - BMTK Programming School, High League - Element…ary Geometry
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Introduction to …classes. OOP
Intro to geometry - 1
January 30,31. Element…ary Geometry
Базовая геометрия
29 февраля-1марта. Младшая лига - Геометр…ия базовая 1
Виток 2, Шаг 4 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
9.02. Младшая лига
Виток 2, Шаг 3 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
ДПА 2010 в.16-30
Oct. 31, 2022
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
January 8 - BMTK Programming School, High League - Element…ary Geometry
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Introduction to …classes. OOP
Intro to geometry - 1
January 30,31. Element…ary Geometry
29 февраля-1марта. Младшая лига - Геометр…ия базовая 1
Виток 2, Шаг 4 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
9.02. Младшая лига
Виток 2, Шаг 3 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
ДПА 2010 в.16-30
Oct. 31, 2022
The heights of the triangle
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
January 23 - ADA Competitive Prog…ramming Club
January 8 - BMTK Programming School, High League - Element…ary Geometry
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
January 30,31. Element…ary Geometry
Базовая геометрия
Sumgait: City Informatics Olympiad a…mong schools
29 февраля-1марта. Младшая лига - Геометр…ия базовая 1
Виток 2, Шаг 4 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
9.02. Младшая лига
Виток 2, Шаг 3 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 1
Five for week 14
Blitz-tournament number 2 for beginners and …not only ...
Oct. 31, 2022
The minimal sum of digits
DSA Week 1
PP C, Week 8: Functions
DSA Week 1
PP Java, Week 5
DSA Week 1
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Recursive functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Recursive functions
Oct. 31, 2022
Sum of digits
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Recursion + memorization
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Recursive functions
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Recursive functions
Loops - 3
January 10. First Leagu…e. Loops - 2
Loops introduction - C…ompetition 2
9 Round Spiral. Round …1. Step 12.
Oct. 31, 2022
The 3n + 1 problem
PP C, Week 8: Functions
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Beginners contes…t: Loops - 1
Loops - 2
Loops - 1
January 9. First Leagu…e. Loops - 1
4,5 февраля. Младшая лига - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
Виток 1, Шаг 4 - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
6.01. Младшая лига
Виток 1, Шаг 4 - Форматированны…й ввод-вывод
Training for the co…ntest scores
Oct. 31, 2022
Vector length
PP C, Week 8: Functions
PP Java, Week 3
Week 8: December 28 - January 10. Funct…ions. Part 1
Геометрия - 1
Programming Principles 1. Week 8. Oct…ober 21 - 27
January 8 - BMTK Programming School, High League - Element…ary Geometry
Lesson 7. October 15 - 21. Functions. Ma…th functions
Introduction to …classes. OOP
Intro to geometry - 2
January 30,31. Element…ary Geometry
Базовая геометрия
2,3 марта. Младшая лига - Геометр…ия базовая 2
Виток 2, Шаг 5 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 2
10.02. Младшая лига
Виток 2, Шаг 4 - Геометрия, базовы…е задачи - 2
9 Round Spiral. Round …3. Step 10.