Rank | Handle | Score | Time |
School |
11 (1) | 100 | 0:34:20 | Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU) | |
420 (2) | 22.18 | 3:00:00 | Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology | |
442 (3) | 18.91 | 3:00:00 | BGC Trust University, Bangladesh | |
612 (4) | 5.09 | 2:04:09 | Pabna University of Science And Technology | |
646 (5) | 3.27 | 0:37:31 | Green University of Bangladesh | |
668 (6) | 1.82 | 2:53:57 | United International University (UIU) | |
769 (7) | 0 | · | Bangladesh University | |
799 (8) | 0 | · | iubat | |
821 (9) | 0 | · | Daffodil International University | |
894 (10) | 0 | · | Premier University | |
1008 (11) | 0 | 1:17:07 | Mawlana Bhashani Science And Technology University |